The copper body of the Grand7 was CNC machined and precision engraved with a distinctive decorative image. The body was then glass-bead blasted and plated with a precious metal. A single large sapphire crystal plate was precision inset into the center of the body.

Art Déco
A movement in the decorative arts and architecture that originated in the 1920s and developed into a major style in western Europe and the United States during the 1930s. Art Déco design represented modernism turned into fashion with sleek and elegant designs that symbolized wealth and sophistication. The Grand7 and Grand7+ Art Déco phones are crafted from gold plated copper and inlayed with a black sapphire crystal plate painted with the Mobiado logo.

Art Nouveau
A style of art that flourished between about 1890 and 1910. The distinguishing ornamental characteristic of Art Nouveau is its undulating, asymmetrical line, often taking the form of flower stalks and buds, vine tendrils, insect wings, and other delicate and natural objects. The Grand7+ Art Nouveau phone is crafted from rhodium plated copper and inlayed with a white sapphire crystal plate painted with the Mobiado logo.

Fire Dragon
In Chinese art, dragons are depicted as long creatures with four legs. This magnificent creature symbolizes benevolent power, prosperity, as well as creative and divine strength. The Grand7 and Grand7+ Fire Dragon phones are crafted from gold plated copper and inlayed with a black sapphire crystal plate painted with the Mobiado logo. Limited to 500.

Fleur Dragon
The fable of the Fleur Dragon is that one day a menacing dragon lowered his head and sniffed a bouquet that was offered by a small girl. He was so moved by the gift that he promised to become a kinder and gentler animal. The Grand7+ Fleur Dragon phone is crafted from gold plated copper with inlayed white sapphire crystal painted with the Mobiado logo. Limited to 200.

Saint George & Dragon
As legend has it, during the Middle Ages, Saint George rescued a Libyan king’s daughter from a dragon and then slayed the monster. The inspiring story is a theme much represented in art and used to portray heroism. The Grand7 and Grand7+ Saint George & Dragon phones are crafted from gold plated copper with inlayed black sapphire crystal painted with the Mobiado logo. Limited to 200.

Skulls & Flowers
The skulls and flowers represent the contrast between life and death or beauty and decay. It is this symbol of duality that brings to mind the everlasting struggle between good and evil, beauty and ugliness. However, the skulls & flowers are a symbol not of death, but rebirth. The Grand7 and Grand7+ Skulls & Flowers phones are crafted from black rhodium plated copper and inlayed with a black sapphire crystal plate with photoluminecent Mobiado logo. Limited to 300.